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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]There are times in ministry when the oddest, most random things will happen, yet they are always exciting.  I use the word ministry in the broadest sense (i.e. pastoral work, mission, evangelism, discipleship, social activism, etc…).  I have had some exciting things happen in my work as a pro-life activist and apologist, but the most unexpected occurrence came through a Facebook message just over a month ago and reached it’s culmination early this week.  A day after my 21st birthday, I received a message from a woman by the name of Jennifer Washington who had apparently watched the video of the abortion debate at Westmont College between Scott Klusendorf and Nadine Strossen, which I organized my freshman year.

Jennifer’s Story

Jennifer proceeded to tell me her story: She was pressured into having an abortion in 1985 at 19 years of age and from that point on lived with depression and suicidal tendencies.  This self destructive lifestyle continued for over two decades until she became ill with several uterine tumors in early 2012.  Jennifer had to undergo surgery and it was only after that, that she came face to face with the abortion and really dealt with it.  She was then led to attend a healing retreat for post-abortive men and women called Rachel’s Vineyard and it was there she was finally set free.  Now, just months after finding full forgiveness and healing, Jennifer Washington is working in the Pro-Life world.  The Lord has led her to work on a ProLife documentary and it was for this very reason she contacted me.

Jennifer said that she was inspired by the abortion debate and wanted to interview me for her documentary.  Fast-forward.  This last Sunday, Jennifer came to Westmont and conducted my interview.  All this has been as she said, “God’s divine hand” and I am grateful for her heart toward the unborn and her passion to use her story and others’ to bring light to a dark issue.


After this awesome turn of events, I went to sleep excited and grateful, only to wake up the next morning to an email from a man who said he was friends with Jennifer Washington.  He apparently knew that she had interviewed me just the day before and was opening his house and 233 acre ranch overlooking the ocean for me to use and bring friends to whenever I wanted.  I recently had a discussion with him on the phone, in which he told me his story and recent turning to the Lord.  He is now walking with the Lord and using his property to bless others, allowing them to enjoy a getaway.  I am going there this weekend with a couple friends and look forward to meeting such a generous man face to face.

It’s a blessing how the Lord can use circumstances to bless others when we are faithful in putting ourselves out there to be used.  I have enjoyed these two little, random, exciting adventures with the Lord and His people and look forward to more.

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

-Psalm 37:23

