stop the slaughter

Over 65 million unborn human beings have been murdered at the request of their mothers and at the hand of “physicians” in America since 1973. This silent holocaust of the most vulnerable and defenseless amongst us must end! In a culture of death that celebrates this evil as a sacrosanct right, we must all commit to becoming a voice for the unborn. For the sake of our own souls and lives, we must not stay silent.

the man behind the voice

On May 8, 1945, the Nazi holocaust to exterminate the Jews had finally come to an end, but the world was blind – unaware – to an even greater genocide movement taking the stage quietly in developing cultures and liberal arenas, born from the same racist and radical roots in the early 1900’s in the United States and abroad. Today we give this holocaust a name: abortion.

The battle to end the murder of unborn and born babies is very real with horrific absolutes, and continues to grow exponentially in the United States, knocking at the front doors around the world with indoctrinated deception. The United States alone has delivered over 64,000,000 million deaths of unborn and born babies through abortion since the first abortion clinic in 1916, and the legalization of abortions in 1970. This is war of extermination fed and fueled by the omission of knowledge, sensational deception by the enemy, and the ignorance of those standing on guard with no expression – no conscience.

In any war battle that produces massive loss of life beyond apprehension, the death, chaos and rage gives birth to new faces of vigor and leadership that will fight to build a crusade to end this genocide of abortion. One such person that has become a national voice in this battle to end abortion is Seth Gruber, the son of a pregnancy resource center director, raised since infancy in the pro-life movement, educating the public from the age of 19 on the truths and lies of this evil, and changing the mainstream opinion on pro-abortion with the ultimate goal to end this extermination of unborn and born life.

Embracing the battlefront of abortion in his early college years, Seth first built the Students for Life Organization at Westmont College, which continues to this day, and he never looked back moving forward with a voice to educate, persuade, motivate, and inspire everyday people to take up their cross against abortion. Seth’s crusade was met early on the battlefield by both Christians and non-Christians threatening to silence his voice. Seth’s zeal and passion to speak the truth on abortion only sprouted into a grand public movement to meet the pro-abortionist eye to eye, face to face with no reservations, and with total peace and winsome spirit.

It also became obvious to Seth, the church needs to be awakened on abortion.

Seth Gruber’s clear, concise, and persuading approach has impacted thousands across the United States, providing the tools for an audience to change the mindset of the pro-abortion population. In his later years in college, he challenged the institutions and others for their refusal to take a formal position on abortion, which accelerated the appreciation and understanding of Seth’s work among pro-life advocates, pregnancy facilities, churches, and the political domains across the United States. Seth quickly discovered the ignorant and widely indolent culture surrounding him both in and out of the church, and in the universities, which he responded with coordinated educational campaigns and booth displays, engaging with thousands of students on the topic of abortion. It also became obvious to Seth, the church needs to be awaken on abortion.

Seth’s impact is real, changing the hearts and minds of so many on their position on abortion. Joining the Life Training Institute as a pro-life speaker, Seth is now a nationally renowned voice for life, the founder and president of The White Rose Resistance, which has its origins during Nazi holocaust to end the racism infiltrating the world. Pro-Life Ministries is another recent project that Seth is facilitating at churches across the 50 States and abroad. Giving countless speeches to over half a million people so far, and reaching millions through media, Seth Gruber has launched a powerful movement that is moving forward, impacting today’s generation and preparing a future generation on all platforms across the United States.

…over 64,000,000 million deaths of unborn and born babies through abortion

Seth Gruber is committed to this battle to end abortion, educating and changing the way people think and respond to this heinous evil with the hope that the date – like May 8, 1945 – will be entered into the history books closing the final chapter the final to an end of this holocaust of unborn and born babies.

“God is using Seth to literally shake the demonic strongholds and the world view mindset of people who have a complete opposite view from what God has regarding life… a warrior brother that has the mantel of prolife with the wit, knowledge, and personality, because God has called him to affect so many people and yet most of them unborn.”


– Senior Pastor, Jack Hibbs
Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills
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on tour 2024
New events are continually being added, and check for changes in dates, times, and venues as we continue to update Seth’s tour schedule daily throughout 2024. If you would like to schedule Seth at your event, fill out the reservation request form or call our office at (661) 302-9789‬, and a member from our team will assist you.
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Led by Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie, the White Rose Resistance was a small collective of Christian students who secretly wrote and distributed leaflets all around Germany, criticizing the Nazis and inspiring others to resist them.

On February 18th, 1943, Hans and Sophie walked the halls at the University of Munich, placing hundreds of their leaflets in the open. The janitor caught them in the act and Sophie and her brother were sentenced to death by guillotine. On the eve of her beheading, Sophie spoke some of her final words: “Such a fine, sunny day and I have to go. But what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?” As the blade prepared to fall, Sophie said, “The sun still shines!”

While we face a silent and far more deadly holocaust, your sacrifice will water the seeds of resistance. Thousands will be awakened and stirred to action.

every person has the right to be born

The White Rose is a non-profit organization whose mission is to be a voice for unborn children. Our purpose is to educate and expose culture to the evil of abortion until every person has the right to be born.

the problem is pandemic

No Knowledge

1 in 10 people can give an accurate account of the Roe v. Wade decision, but have no knowledge of the roots and origins of the early demonic work and mindset that gave birth to the sacrificial removal of the unborn.


The abortion industrial arena with liberal media and politicians invests almost unlimited resources annually, promoting, protecting, and facilitating the murder of unborn babies in the womb on demand.

No Expression

91% of church goers today listed abortion as the most important topic to be heard from their pastors. Yet, 93% of churches have zero form of pro-life expression. The pulpit is quiet. There is no pro-life expression.
the solution is simple


Educate The Public.

Through Outreach and media, we educate the public about the humanity of the unborn baby, the inhumanity of abortion, and the help available to abortion-minded women.


Discredit the opponents.

We engage the public square and digital square to expose the grotesque immorality of the pro-choice position and make a public spectacle of the abortion industry and their cronies.


Inspire a movement.

We work with Followers of Jesus Christ TO educate, equip, and inspire the American church to accomplish her spiritual duty of ending the greatest injustice of our time.

Sophie believed through her death, “Thousands would be awakened and stirred to action.” In her final days, Sophie shared with her cellmate Else Gebel that there would be a student revolt following their execution. And in the few brief moments with her mother before the end, Sophie said, “What we did will cause waves.” Except, no waves of courage followed. No student revolt happened. And the Church in Germany wasn’t stirred to action. Although rose blossoms may perish with the fall, they reappear in the spring. While the members of the White Rose were all found and executed, their sacrifice planted the seeds of resistance in the hearts of countless men and women, whose actions keep alive the legacy of the White Rose.Seth needs your help to grow the Resistance in the United States and around the world, educating, discrediting the opposition, and inspiring change in the minds of men and women of all ages in the public and our churches.

Join the Resistance today, and be a part of a global crusade to end this holocaust of unborn babies around the world. Visit the White Rose Resistance website to get started:

1942 – Germany, Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, Christoph Probst
The White Rose Resistance

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

Psalm 139:13-16

get intelligence.

Join Seth Gruber’s calling and global crusade to put an end to the holocaust of unborn babies in the United States and around the world. Give us your email address to receive news and intelligence from Seth.

    What are people saying about Seth?
    Seth Gruber’s voice for the unborn is being heard around the world, catching the attention of everyday people, prominent figures, Christian leaders, executives, advocates, politicians, and throughout the academic arena. Seth’s voice is being heard, and the response continues to grow with amazing recognition.